
The Final Report of HLAB-AI: our analysis and thoughts

New and emerging tech
The Final Report of the UN High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (HLAB-AI), was published on 19 September 2024.  It marks the conclusion of a yearlong process, set up with the aim of undertaking analysis and providing advance recommendations on the…
21 Oct 2024

Civil society sends joint letter urging EU and member states to withdraw support from rights-harming UN Cybercrime Convention

We, the undersigned organisations and individual experts, urge all EU member states to vote no when the draft UN Convention against Cybercrime (A/AC.291/L.15) comes to a vote at the General Assembly. We are united in urging the EU and its member states to reject the proposal to adopt the…
10 Oct 2024
Blog post

What’s at stake for human rights and the Internet at WTSA-24?

Over the next few weeks (15-25 October), we’ll be in New Delhi for the 2024 World Telecommunications Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24), the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T)’s quadrennial conference for the development of technical standards.  As we explain in our recent Guide…
30 Sep 2024

The Final Report of HLAB-AI: our analysis and thoughts

The Final Report of the UN High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (HLAB-AI), was published on 19 September 2024.  It marks the conclusion of a yearlong process, set up with the aim of undertaking analysis and providing advance recommendations on the…
02 Sep 2024
Blog post

The UN Cybercrime Convention: where do we go from here?

On 8 August 2024, amidst widespread concern by many observers, including GPD, the text of the draft United Nations Convention against combating cybercrime was agreed to by governments in New York, marking the conclusion of a fractious three year negotiation process. …
02 Sep 2024
Blog post

Is the Online Safety Act “fit for purpose”? Thoughts on its application in the recent UK riots

In July, the United Kingdom experienced a wave of racially charged riots following a mass stabbing in the town of Southport. Among multiple contributing social and political factors, one clear driver was disinformation spread via social media.  In the aftermath, several British politicians have called for…
30 Jul 2024
Blog post

Crunch time for the rights-threatening UN Cybercrime Convention

States are on the brink of adopting the UN Cybercrime Convention, which would pose fundamental risks to human rights, as well as undermining cybersecurity. Negotiations commenced yesterday (29 July) amid a chorus of dissent from civil society and other stakeholders, and are scheduled to conclude on 9 August. …
30 Jul 2024
Blog post

What would a human rights-based approach to platform regulation look like?

In the past few decades, the landscape of online platform regulation has undergone significant changes. For many years, online platforms were largely left outside the scope of government regulation, based on claims from companies and policymakers that platforms could successfully self-regulate, promote free expression…
19 Jul 2024
Blog post

Civil society joint brief on the UN Global Digital Compact

Introduction We, the undersigned civil society organisations and individuals, who have been active in the United Nations (UN) Global Digital Compact (GDC) process since the onset, write to express our concerns regarding the state of the GDC from a human rights perspective. We release this because we understand that…