
Ad Hoc Committee Seventh Session: Analysis of Draft Text of the UN Cybercrime Convention

Trust and security
We welcome the opportunity to provide comments on the latest revised text of the proposed UN Cybercrime Convention. However, we are concerned that, despite the extensive input provided by GPD and other actors, the revised draft does not address the most significant concerns raised.
18 Jul 2024

Navigating Human Rights in the Digital Environment: The WTSA

This guide aims to support civil society engagement at the World Telecommunications Standardisation Assembly (WTSA), a critical conference for the development of technical standards which takes place every four years. Its upcoming 2024 meeting (WTSA-24), scheduled to take place in October, has the potential to shape discussions across a range…
11 Apr 2024

AI Global Governance: Assessment of governance mechanisms with a human rights approach

The Interim Report produced in December 2023 by the High-Level Advisory Board on Artificial Intelligence (HLAB-AI) highlights existing institutions as examples of global cooperation and coordination. However, it does not provide any analysis of the effectiveness of these governance mechanisms as they relate to AI governance, or how such models…
26 Feb 2024

Regional Roundtable Briefing: Internet Fragmentation and Human Rights in Europe

The availability of a global open, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet is necessary for the exercise and enjoyment of human rights in the digital age. However, these basic characteristics of the internet are currently under threat. There is a lack of understanding of the issue of internet fragmentation…
16 Jan 2024

Ad Hoc Committee Seventh Session: Analysis of Draft Text of the UN Cybercrime Convention

We welcome the opportunity to provide comments on the latest revised text of the proposed UN Cybercrime Convention. However, we are concerned that, despite the extensive input provided by GPD and other actors, the revised draft does not address the most significant concerns raised.
08 Jan 2024

Towards a global approach to digital platform regulation (collaboration with Chatham House)

This research paper is produced by Chatham House and Global Partners Digital (Jacqueline Rowe). The paper defines and details a set of current trends in platform regulation, outlines possible pathways for the future, and shows how, despite being overlooked by some in the tech industry, human rights provide a well-established…
18 Sep 2023

Laws restricting disinformation in Sub-Saharan Africa: impacts of their enforcement on freedom of expression

For the last several years, a consortium of civil society organisations has been tracking and analysing government responses to online disinformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, examining their coherence with international and regional human rights law and standards. This brief explores how governments in the region are enforcing laws and policies on…
18 Sep 2023

Laws restricting disinformation in Sub-Saharan Africa: the state of play in 2023

For the last several years, a consortium of civil society organisationsi has been tracking and analysing government responses to online disinformation in Sub-Saharan Africa. While it is important to find ways of addressing the harms posed by the proliferation of disinformation online, the research has shown that many laws and…
19 Jul 2023

Guía para Cibernormas Inclusivas

Las perspectivas de grupos marginados, particularmente de mujeres y comunidades LGBTQ+, suelen estar ausentes en discusiones sobre cibernormas. Este es un problema serio, ya que los grupos marginados suelen ser objeto de más amenazas en el ciberespacio. Nuestro conjunto de herramientas está destinado a responsables de políticas públicas y otros…