
Navigating Human Rights in the Digital Environment: The WTSA

This guide aims to support civil society engagement at the World Telecommunications Standardisation Assembly (WTSA), a critical conference for the development of technical standards which takes place every four years. Its upcoming 2024 meeting (WTSA-24), scheduled to take place in October, has the potential to shape discussions across a range…
28 Aug 2024

An ever-tightening net: Restrictions on online expression under cybercrime laws and content restrictions in Africa, the Middle East and Türkiye

This report seeks to highlight the dangers of cybercrime legislation and online content regulations in Africa, the Middle East and Türkiye which restrict online expression in ways that violate international human rights law. It also aims to provide strategic guidance for civil society organisations and technology companies to push back…
21 Aug 2024

Navegando pelos direitos humanos no ambiente digital: A Assembleia Mundial de Normalização das Telecomunicações (AMNT)

Este guia tem como objetivo apoiar o envolvimento da sociedade civil na Assembleia Mundial de Normalização das Telecomunicações (AMNT), uma conferência fundamental para o desenvolvimento de normas técnicas que ocorre a cada quatro anos. A próxima assembleia de 2024 (AMNT-24), programada para ocorrer em outubro, tem o potencial de moldar…
21 Aug 2024

Orienter les droits humains à l’ère numérique: L’Assemblée mondiale de normalisation des télécommunications (AMNT)

Le présent guide vise à soutenir la participation de la société civile lors de l’Assemblée mondiale de normalisation des télécommunications (AMNT), conférence décisive pour l’élaboration de normes techniques qui se réunit tous les quatre ans. L’assemblée 2024 (AMNT-24), programmée en octobre prochain, peut clairement façonner les discussions au sein de…
21 Aug 2024

Navegando los derechos humanos en el entorno digital: La Asamblea Mundial de Normalización de las Telecomunicaciones (AMNT)

El objetivo de esta guía es facilitar la participación de la sociedad civil en la Asamblea Mundial de Normalización de las Telecomunicaciones (AMNT), una conferencia fundamental para la elaboración de normas técnicas que se celebra cada cuatro años. La próxima reunión de este 2024 (AMNT-24), programada para el mes de…
18 Jul 2024

Navigating Human Rights in the Digital Environment: The WTSA

This guide aims to support civil society engagement at the World Telecommunications Standardisation Assembly (WTSA), a critical conference for the development of technical standards which takes place every four years. Its upcoming 2024 meeting (WTSA-24), scheduled to take place in October, has the potential to shape discussions across a range…
11 Apr 2024

AI Global Governance: Assessment of governance mechanisms with a human rights approach

The Interim Report produced in December 2023 by the High-Level Advisory Board on Artificial Intelligence (HLAB-AI) highlights existing institutions as examples of global cooperation and coordination. However, it does not provide any analysis of the effectiveness of these governance mechanisms as they relate to AI governance, or how such models…
26 Feb 2024

Regional Roundtable Briefing: Internet Fragmentation and Human Rights in Europe

The availability of a global open, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet is necessary for the exercise and enjoyment of human rights in the digital age. However, these basic characteristics of the internet are currently under threat. There is a lack of understanding of the issue of internet fragmentation…
16 Jan 2024

Ad Hoc Committee Seventh Session: Analysis of Draft Text of the UN Cybercrime Convention

We welcome the opportunity to provide comments on the latest revised text of the proposed UN Cybercrime Convention. However, we are concerned that, despite the extensive input provided by GPD and other actors, the revised draft does not address the most significant concerns raised.