11 Apr 2024

AI Global Governance: Assessment of governance mechanisms with a human rights approach

By Global Partners Digital and ECNL

The Interim Report produced in December 2023 by the High-Level Advisory Board on Artificial Intelligence (HLAB-AI) highlights existing institutions as examples of global cooperation and coordination. However, it does not provide any analysis of the effectiveness of these governance mechanisms as they relate to AI governance, or how such models would impact the enjoyment of human rights.

This study by GPD and ECNL employs a human rights approach to address this gap, support the considerations of the HLAB-AI and provide recommendations to inform their work.. It analyses seventeen governance mechanisms proposed by the Interim report and by academic literature as models for an international AI governance regime. And it summarises lessons and mitigation measures for each of the institutional functions of international AI governance proposed by the Interim report, intending to provide insights to guide the design of the international AI governance regime.