02 Oct 2013

The importance of self regulation of the media in upholding Freedom of Expression

The media is a site which permits the free exchange of ideas and opinion necessary in a democracy and which is therefore deserving of the highest protection and freedom from state interference. It is also a social actor in its own rights, whose choices about whether or how to cover events and hose editorial position can also shape events and in that way is required to act in a socially responsible fashion.

This report argues that it is this dual character that makes an effective form of self regulation so essential. Self regulation is not a simple matter however; it places requirements upon every level of the media organisation, on the journalist themselves, on their editors and managers, on the approach of the media organisation to the production of content and the overall behaviour of the media company.  The fast evolving nature of online media, and the complex jurisdictional questions thrown up by a globalised environment, place self regulation at the heart of the evolving media landscape. This report is also available in Portuguese.