Daniela Schnidrig
Head of Engagement and Advocacy
Daniela leads GPD’s engagement and advocacy work across GPD’s policy areas, overseeing engagement efforts within GPD’s programmatic portfolio.Previously, she worked at CELE, a leading academic centre on digital rights in Argentina and Latin America. Daniela holds a law degree from Torcuato di Tella University in Buenos Aires.
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09 May 2024
Blog post
NETmundial +10: inspiration for multistakeholder digital governance, but is it enough?
Last week (29-30 April), GPD joined other civil society groups, business actors, the technical community and governments in São Paulo, Brazil for NETmundial+10: the ten year follow up to the landmark NETmundial process in 2014, which set out principles for multistakeholder approaches to Internet governance. In…
17 Mar 2021
Human Rights in the Digital Age: State of Play across Commonwealth Pacific Countries
The rise and evolution of the internet and digital technologies has brought about new opportunities and challenges for communities around the world to exercise and enjoy their human rights – including freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the right to privacy. However, while it is now widely accepted that…
27 Jun 2018
Multistakeholder Approaches to National Cybersecurity Strategy Development
For some time, governments and non-governmental actors alike have been calling for greater stakeholder involvement in cybersecurity policy. Despite this, multistakeholder approaches to national cybersecurity strategy (NCSS) development remain comparatively rare. In part, this is as a result of a critical gap in the cyber capacity building landscape, which…